The Greatest Website Ever! (Since 2003)


Choose Your War
For my friends

This page is info. about me.  I may lose, but I'm no loser.

The time ticks away whilst I sit in front of a glowing box of information.
DoB:  March 11, 1985 (Pisces)
Sex:  Male
Location:  My house, Okra-homa
Favorite Color:  Midnight Blue

I have realized that to be interested in something, you do not have to be a genius at it.  So here are my interests/hobbies:  sleeping/dreaming, philosophy, music, movies, natural philosophy otherwise known as physics, mathematics, biology, psychology, reading, writing, water(I don't like to swim though), animals, religion, good stories, I like a good scare now and then, making noise with common objects, video games, singing(not in front of anyone though), the Roman Empire, Greek culture and mythology,playing some instruments, and sticking my head in the freezer and taking a big whiff. you're not my hobby anymore, sorry.


Click Here for the Complete List

The condensed version of my favorite interests and things.

Favorite Movies: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, both Night of the Living Dead, Amelie,Adaptation,  Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Corporation

Favorite Bands (as of 12/19/05):  Opeth (just might be my favorite band ever), Slayer, Shadows Fall, Cradle of Filth, Megadeth, Meshuggah, Godsmack (gateway band). Possible Inductees: Spinal Tap

Favorite Books: (I mostly read non-fiction)  Blood and Gold by Anne Rice, Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien,  The Story of Philosophy by Will Durant, The Exception to the Rulers by Amy Goodman.

Favorite Video Games: Super Mario World, Mario Bros. 3, Resident Evil 2, Eternal Darkness, Capcom vs. SNK 2:Fight of the Millenium, Sunset Riders, Sonic the Hedgehog 3, and ZOMBIES ATE MY NEIGHBORS.

Favorite Food: I'm a vegetarian now!

Buy this album:  Junior's Greatest Hits (very rare, can only get it in Zimbabwe and Czechoslovakia. And if you try to look for it on the internet, you won't find it because it is so rare.  The only way to get it is for me to sing some songs for you and you record it.)

I have been called everything from Elian Gonzalez, to Osama Bin Laden.  But the names I go by are Leo, Junior, or The Chief (this one will do just fine).


I have not looked
upon this creature
in forever and a day,
and when finally I beheld her...