The Greatest Website Ever! (Since 2003)

Choose Your War
For my friends

These are just some random thoughts and questions (some are ancient, dating all the way back to 2003, newest essays are towards the bottom).
Also feel free to submit essays and such that you would like me to post on my site.  I'll gladly read over it and put it up.  It can be over anything, even opposing viewpoints, I won't discriminate as long as it is does not consist of outright insults.

Sitting alone
in the middle
of a room.
minor keys being played
a man and his sorrow,
a depressing day.

Does space exist?  Things within space exist, but does space exist?



The Soul

Pascal's Wager

Effects of the Iraq War

Socialism vs. Capitalism

The Media and War (I like this one)

Love is Purely Psychological and Biological

John Dewey (Spring 2005)

Corporal Punishment

Children and Religion

GHM: Night of the Living Dead

Why Philosophy? 10/3/05

Arnold Schoenberg (12/12/2005)

Chopin, short essay (12/12/2005)

John Cage, short essay (12/12/2005)

Immanuel Kant and the Kantian Synthesis (12/12/2005)

John Stuart Mill and Utilitarianism (12/12/2005)

Essay on Thomas Jefferson's "Notes on the State of Virginia (added 2-9-06)

Thoughts on the meaning of life (added 2/11/06)

Thoughts on love, on Valentine's day 2006

John Dewey's Concept of Art, by Chris Cobb (3/23/06)

Charles Darwin's Concept of Natural Selection (3/23/06)

-You can't "own nothing."  But you can "not own anything." 
-What do blind people dream of?
-Is the number "0" possible?  (think about it)
-To exist means to be something.  To be something means to possess certain attributes.  Possessing attributes automatically makes one a finite being by putting limits on these attributes. 
-This kind of goes with the "0" question.  Is nothingness possible?  It's like the "tree falling in the woods but nobody is around to hear it" riddle.
-At what age should children be taught the truth. i.e. the truth about the gov't., history, religion, etc...
-Since God can do anything, can he make a square circle?  Or can he create a mountain to tall for him to climb?
-Which would be a better society?  A society run by the people(everyone), or a society run by a wise few(small group)?
-Where exactly is the pack of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
-Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
-A mother and her baby are the same age.  You can't have a mother until a baby is born.  An orphan and a parent can't exist by themselves either.
-I wonder what caviar tastes like, I'd like to taste it someday.
-I finally figured out this quote that a friend of mine told me:  "every rule has an exception except for this one."  Simply put, "this one" isn't a rule.(took me over a month to figure that one out)
-What if:  UFOs- they are humans from the future and the space craft is their time machine.  Since making a change in the past can alter the future, they try to remain unseen, hence the name "unidentified" flying object.  If anyone has ever seen what martians looks like, they would see that they resemble humans in a way.  Maybe that is the next step in human evolution, since the back of our skulls have gotten smaller and the front bigger in the past, in the future our heads will get bigger and we will start to look like martians.(wow, I sure do ramble a lot.)
-If UFOs are not from the future, then we'll probably never discover time travel, since no people from the future have brought themselves into public spotlight lately.  But then again, if they did, would you believe them?
-Why does mouthwash make your mouth sting, even if you are using it for the 100th time? 
-If the name of "french fries" was changed to "freedom fries" (which I find ridiculous) in the US, what do they call french fries in Iraq, Dick-Taters?
-I guess nothingness is possible, according to physics, or so someone told me.  I'm still having some trouble comprehending that. 
-  If the world and the universe and everything flashed out of existence, and then appeared again, how much time would pass in the interval of nothingness?  Would time cease to exist also?  Time is relative to the observer, so it would have to.  But who knows?
-  Why? This is the most important question.

The road goes ever on and on,
down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the road has gone,
and I must follow if I can.
Pursuing it with weary feet,
until it meets some larger way,
where many paths and errands meet,
and whither then?  I cannot say.-  J.R.R. Tolkien