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The Soul
Choose Your War
For my friends

The soul- 
soul1. The animating and vital principle in humans, credited with the faculties of thought, action, and emotion and often conceived as an immaterial entity.
mind-  1. The human consciousness that originates in the brain and is manifested especially in thought, perception, emotion, will, memory, and imagination.

I believe the mind and the soul are one and the same.  I find no need to call the same thing two different words, therefore, when people ask me if I believe in souls, I will answer yes.  Can the mind live without the body, I do not know this yet, but I'm guessing no.  Once the body dies, the mind dies.  Where does the mind come from?  I believe it comes from the brain.  All of our characteristics come from our brain, our personality, our emotions, etc...  But (and this is a big but), all that depends on outside influences (our peers, society, family...).  So if the brain from one was removed and put into another, would he/she still be the same person?  I'm going with yes on this one.  They would be the same person when it comes to reactions, behavior, and anything else that made up the original person's characteristics.  But outside influences would be different, therefore, there would be some changes. 
So, the mind and the soul are the same thing, the mind is not permanent, the mind is located in the brain, the brain determines the actions and characteristics of the body, and if someone's brain were in another person, the qualities would be the same but susceptible to the environment.

I realize that some concepts I have may not be new, but these are my opinions and ideas.