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Some thoughts on Progressivism
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For my friends

Progressivism is to progress, to leave the past behind for a better way.
Evolution is to evolve.

I am trying to progress into new territories, trying to leave past methods, past trials, the passed past behind, trying to advance to higher ground, to higher art.  Something Revolutionary, something new, but repetition finds its way through (as in this rhyme and repetition I just committed). 
Progressivism can go anywhere;  the arts, as in music (hence progressive music), as in writing (read in new, unheard of, coming of age, revolutionary, or simply different stories or poems), as in visual art (seen in new ways of painting or techniques, not used before).  Progressivism is a political idea, as can be seen by the progressive party.  Progressivism sneaks its way into thought and science, shown by the evolution from Plato, to Aristotle, to Galileio, to Newton, to Einstein, to whoever develops the next universally accepted school of thought.  Progressivism can be seen in history, in the form of religious reformation, the gaining of rights by blacks, hispanics, whites, asians, middle easterners, europeans, South Americans, North Americans, Christians, Jews, Muslims, women, children, veterans, workers, teachers, you name it.  These were CHANGES in society.  Change is another key word when speaking of progressivism; change, evolve, transform, reform, innovate, develop, grow, progress. 
One must think where he/she is now, think about how one can better one's self, adn then reach for the goal.  Progression does not come from stagnation. [Stagnation is repetition], [repetition is this].  And it is time to move on.

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