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Choose Your War
For my friends

"Hell.  What a place, what a place."

"It has been said before, but once you get in, you want to get the hell out.  As I entered I was greeted by a faceless person, just another empty soul.  I looked up adn there were temptations above me.  'Who buys into this stuff?'  I look around, there are blasphemies on the wall.  I can not bear to look or stand to be in there by that time, but I walk on.  The machines in hell are running, the system is working.  I start to see others walking around.  From a distance they appear normal, but as I walk closer I can see their sufferering.  The fire does not consume one in a physical, literal way; the torment allegorical and the suffering is within.  I know because I feel it the longer I stay.  Poor souls.  I see lust, gluttony, idleness, greed, corruption here."
"Then I see a doorway and step in.  There are curtains now, and I go through.  What is this?  I see clockwork, the inner workings of hell.  There are demons turning wheels, feeding coal to fire, hammering away.  I have seen the innards of hell.  And then another portal opens in front of me.  I step in, my curiosity will not let me turn back."
"Now I am feeling sick.  I am horrified at what I see.  There is a stick with a cow's head impaled on it.  Further down is a pig's head, and then a sheep.  This narrow hallway forces me to slide past the heads, and then facing forward again there is a skeleton standing there.  Startled, I run past it and soon after, there is a corpse on the floor.  It looks to me, and pleads for help, an exit from here.  I am in a nightmare.  If hell exists, then there must be a Messiah, a savior, I reason to myself.  Help me, please!  I see the end of the hallway, with another begging carcass, "help, water, anything."  There is a door behind him, but I desperately want to help him.  I know there is nothing I can do for him.  I hope to god that past the door is something better, but any place is better than here.  I walk past the corpse as he reaches for my ankles.  I turn the knob and enter through...."
To be continued.

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