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Choose Your War
For my friends

2004 was an alright year, I spent most of it depressed and suicidal, but other than that, it was fine!  A lot of Christians came to see Passion of the Christ while I worked at the movie theater and it sold out like 14 times, the Dawn of the Dead remake came out, another of my favorite movies came out (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind), and Fahrenheit 9/11 made a lot of people angry.

The Passion of the Christ- This is one of the most violent movies I've ever seen. It had just about as much blood as Kill Bill.  It depicts, in graphic detail, the last 12 hours of Jesus Christ's life. I liked it though. I think I was supposed to get sad, and don't get me wrong, I got very sad, but at times I got more angry than sad. It sure does seem like there were a lot of a**holes back then. Excuse me, but I couldn't find a better word for the people back then. Not only were they torturing poor Jesus, but the sadistic freaks were laughing while doing it. Nevertheless, this was a good movie. I give it 1 thumb up.

Dawn of the Dead-  This movie was good, but like most remakes, the old one was better.  They changed a lot of things in the new one, the only thing that stayed the same was that they were stuck in a mall.  It had some pretty gory scenes, but the old one had more.  I don't see a return to the slow walking zombies anymore, this movie joined 28 Days Later in the running zombies concept.  I'd imagine that if the dead just woke up after so many years dead, their bones would be slow to move.  It was a very good movie though.  The soundtrack is cool, and it has a really cool scene where 2 vans are surrounded by a sh*tload of zombies, way cool!  I give this movie 2 thumbs up. 

The Alamo-  "The Alamo" is what happens when a movie pays to much attention to character developement.  It is slow at times, because it talks and talks about the characters.  The battle is pretty good, but short (I guess that is how it was in real life though).  Them Texians didn't stand a chance, the movie made it seem like a hopeless slaughter (without scenes of slaughter).  In the fashion of Pearl Harbor (movie), they were not content with the good guys losing, so they had to add another battle where the good guys do win.  I liked this movie, but the characters seem to overshadow the battle.  Return of the King balanced both the battle, characters, and plot.  But then again, RotK is a movie no other will ever touch.  On a lighter note, it is nice to see that movie makers are starting to pay more attention to other aspects other than the battle itself.  I give this movie an average rating, 0 thumbs. NOTE:  (this is the third of the 4 battle movies on my list to watch.  I've watched Last Samurai, Master and Commander, and the Alamo.  Troy is the only one left.)

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind-  This movie, like all other Charlie Kaufman movies, is great.  It is weird, like all other Kaufman movies, but that doesn't take away from its coolness.  I don't know what to say about this movie, because it was really strange.  This is another movie I can relate to the main character, maybe that's why I like it so much.  The plot twists are good too.  Jee, not much to say.  2 swollen thumbs up.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban-  I have to admit, I'm not much of a Harry Potter fan, I haven't read any of the books or anything.  But I watched this movie anyways because my friends forced me to.  There are two other people I know of who got forced to watch this movie (you know who you are, chris, ty, ahem).  The first time I watched it I fell asleep and left halfway through the movie.  I was thinking, jeez this is boring, only something a Potterhead could like.  But little did I know the movie got better.  The last 1/3 of it has time travel and weird twists to it, very interesting and very well executed.  Because of the boring 2/3 of it, I will give this movie an average rating, 0 thumbs.

Troy:  The last big battle movie I was looking forward to (the others being Alamo, Last Samurai, and Master and Commander).  I liked this movie, it was alright.  I already knew the story, but the makers of the movie decided to get rid of the gods and goddesses, I guess to make it more realistic.  I liked the battle in it, it was pretty cool (not the best one I've seen though).  Characters were well described, Achilles being the cocky one, Hector being the honest one, Paris being the wuss (hehe), Helen, hmmm, she didnt do much except looked pretty for the camera.  The first time I watched it there were some things I thought they could have left out, but on second viewing the movie got better.  I'd have to say I like this one better than the Alamo, I cant decide which I like better, last samurai or troy, but I like Master and Commander the best.  I give this one 2 thumbs up.

Day After Tomorrow:  This movie was just an exercise in special effects.  But I liked looking at them.  I dont know what else to say.  0 thumbs, average.

Fahrenheit 9/11-  A little one sided, but who cares.  It's the truth according to Michael Moore.  And anyways, Bush sucks.  But not only were the facts interesting, but the movie/documentary was well made.  It was sad, funny, infuriating, and everything else a Michael Moore movie is supposed to be.  2 thumbs up.

I, Robot-  Besides Fahrenheit 9/11 (see above), this is probably the best movie of the summer (oh and Troy also).  It raises questions on artificial intelligence, free will, and the soul (or maybe I looked into it a little too much).  But it was interesting, while at the same time entertaining in action and special effects.  I give this movie 2 thumbs up. (note:  I haven't seen spiderman yet, 7/22)

I (heart) Huckabees:  I love this movie, it is now one of my favorites.  It has Jason Schwartzman (spelling?) who is trying to discover the truth of a coincidence he believes holds the secret of his existence.  It has philosophy, psychology, and comedy all rolled up into one movie.  I recommend it for those who like movies like Eternal Sunshine, or Woody Allen films, or stuff like that.  Two thumbs up

Music Reviews
Slipknot Vol. 3  The Subliminal Verses:  This album is pretty damn cool.  In this album, Slipknot changes their sound, not much, but a little.  It seems like their musicsmanship (if that's even a word) has improved.  I liked the acoustic songs too.  Imagine saying "acoustic Slipknot" back in 1999, maggots would have slit your throat.  But now look at them, they pulled it off.  I'd say most, if not all tracks are standout tracks.  Rick Rubin produced the album (also produced the classic Reign in Blood).  From the weird yet musical opening and ending (Prelude 3.0 and Danger-Keep Away), to the cool warlike drumming in the Blister Exists, the brutality of Three Nil, Welcome, to the beautiful choruses in The Nameless, Vermillion, and Duality, Circle, finally to the just cool songs Opium of the People, Before I Forget, and Pulse of the Maggots.  I wouldn't exactly call this album a masterpiece, but it's pretty damn close (you dont understand, I mean very very close).  This will probably go down among the top albums of 2004.  2 thumbs up.
Added 12/12/2005, looking back, Shadows Fall released the best album of the year in my opinion.  Other honorable mentions include; Megadeth, The System Has Failed; Exodus, Tempo of the Damned; Cradle of Filth, Nymphetamine; and Meshuggah, I

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